Monday, October 31, 2005

Sick Princesses on Halloween

Both Breanna & Kaylee are not feeling too hot for this Halloween.
Breanna didn't get to go out trick or treating but, mom did get a picture of her in the Purple Princess costume. My poor sweet child has had problems with her tonsils for awhile but, her parents were hoping to get a 2nd opinion from an allergist before having to have them removed. As things stand, she'll have to get the removed ASAP.

Kaylee is also sick but, I did get to see her. I held her too. Hopefully I won''t catch her strep. ICK. She was also dressed as a princess. I don't have any pictures of her from tonight yet.
I still need to post her birthday pics too.
I'll try to do that this week.
Both princesses are beautiful and I hope they feel better soon!

Friday, October 14, 2005

One week from my happy place!

One week from this moment I'll be where I consider to be...
The happiest place on earth.
Camp Chihowa.
Although there's tons to do before the fun begins,
(get insurance, figure out the money, buy tires)
I know it will be well worth it.

Last night my mom & I got to go to see 5 Guys Named Mo.
My friend Trisha got 3 tickets and invited us to go.
It was a Stage One Production.
That's our Broadway.
Great show.
As much as I love our local theater,
I can't imagine how great it would be to get to go to an actual Broadway show.
The lights in N.Y. would be so awesome.
Someday, I'll make it there.

Tomorrow is the kick off for Shocker Basketball.
I'm babysitting my God Daughter Breanna so,
she gets to go with me.
They're going to have a scrimmage,
Face painting & a moon walk.
It should be fun.
I'm hoping to get her a cute little Cheer leading dress.
Go Shocks!

Well, it about time to go to Poker.
Mom & I meeting Jennifer W. & Chris for dinner at Hero's first.
I love Friday night.
I don't usually play my best poker on Friday but,
I love to see everyone.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Fall Retreat

Oh Camp Chihowa

In two weeks from today I'll be at my favorite place.
Camp Chihowa Retreat Center.
That's where I use to go to Summer Camp as a child.
Now a group of us rent the retreat center for a weekend every fall.
It's amazing.
I loved going there in the summer but,
I think it's even more beautiful in the Fall.
The leaves are falling from the trees and the cool breeze feels great.
We'll arrive on Friday afternoon.
Relax, have dinner & "catch up" on the happenings of our lives since last year.
Then on Saturday we'll carve pumpkins,
The kids will dress up in their Halloween costumes,
We'll go to campfire,
make S'mores &
Stay up all night giggling like little girls.
One of my favorite parts about this weekend each year is,
everyone brings their families.
I'll get to see my God Children loving this place as much as I do.
I'll get to see them make great memories like the ones I have.
Hopefully we'll be able to do this for years to come.
I'll try to post pictures when we return.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Some Many Great Things...

My life is so good.
I'm so blessed.
I have great friends,
Awesome parents,
Mad Poker skills ;),
Cute babies,
Oh yeah & a great Football team!

Not only is life good but,...
Today was a great day in Football!
Go Broncos!
Last week was great when we beat that Chiefs.
It was even better this week when the team showed off their mad skills.

Hopefully they'll be able to keep it up.

This has also been a good weekend full of poker fun.
My mom & I have had a blast the last few weeks.
Poker is a great time for us.
I'm so glad I finally talked my mom into playing.
I've been playing for a little over a year now.
It's been a great experience.
I've had so much fun making new friends.
It's amazing how many new friends I've made.
I look forward to making more each week.

Yesterday was Kaylee's (my friends daughter) first birthday party.
I'll try to post pictures when I get them.
She was so cute eating her cake.
She had her very own little white cake with white frosting and red trim.
Picture this, adorable baby covered in cake.
She loved her presents too.
After she opened one, her father would take it and hand her another one.
Each time she'd grunt because she wanted it back.
Too Cute.
Look for pictures soon.

Well, I think it's time for me to retire for the night.
Here's to wishing you many blessings.