Sunday, September 26, 2004

It's not like I'm busy

One week ago last Sunday, (The 26th of September) I logged on to make an entry. As you can see, that never happened. I wrote about three sentences and saved it with plans of returning to it later that evening. Over a week later, here I am. Think I'll get a post completed? Well, let's hope so!
I apologize to everyone I've ever hassled about making posts. It's a lot harder to figure out what to write than I realized. Dawn, I promise not to give you a hard time again anytime soon. Lord knows you are way more busy than I am. Actually my life is so pathetic I could make time to write entries everyday. I may even have exciting things to write about.
Stay tuned to find out.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I'm trying...

I'm always hassling my friends to keep their blog pages up to date. You'd think I'd do a better job with mine. I've had mine for about a month & this is only the 3rd entry. Sad! The worse part is I actually have things to write about. I just don't have the energy to type it in. This last week I signed onto the Internet for the sole purpose of updating my blog but, I always got distracted. Tonight I finally made it.
Last Saturday September, 18th was the 12 year anniversary of the day Thad & I met. You see we've broken up & gotten back together so many times over the years that we have to celebrate the day we met rather than a normal type of anniversary. Yes, I know we're pathetic! Anyway, we had a great evening. He planned it all out by himself. He fixed Pasta Primavera for dinner and bought a bottle of delicious white wine. It was really romantic! I was very impressed. I don't think I give him near enough credit. Oh yea I almost forgot to tell you the best part. He bought my Bill Clinton's book "My Life". I've been dying to read it. If you know me at all, you know how much I adore Bill. After all "Nobody died when Bill lied". I think that's my favorite anti- W quote!
Well, I'm wiped so I think I'll leave you with that. More to come!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I think I've almost got this figured out.

OK--I know how to make posts. Now I just have to figure out how to tell everyone about it. As soon as I figure out how, I'll let you all know. If you're reading this, I guess that means I got it figured out. Wish me luck!

Am I doing this right?

I have no idea what I'm doing. I enjoy reading my friends (Dawn, Kim, Stacie & Emily) blogs so much I decided to start my own. I doubt I'll ever have anything exciting or important to say but, if I do...I'll have somewhere to write it. Stay tuned!