Friday, January 27, 2006

Tagged by Dawn

To see Dawn's List, click on the link...

Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life

  1. Receptionist--Crappy job I had in High School.
  2. Police Dispatcher--Oh the memories of College.
  3. Customer Service Rep-- Loved the discount!
  4. Sub-Teacher-- By far the BEST job I've ever had.

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

  1. Jerry McGuire
  2. Girls Just Want To Have Fun
  3. Wedding Planner
  4. Grease
Four Places You Have Lived

  1. Fairmount Towers at WSU
  2. Brennan Dorms at WSU
  3. Concordia, Ks
  4. North, South, East & West Wichita
Four Places You Have Been on Vacation

  1. Biloxi, MS
  2. Denver, CO
  3. Nashville, TN
  4. Las Vegas, NV

Four Websites You Visit Daily

  1. Rosie's Blog
  2. Dawn's Blog
  3. Hotmail
  4. Subfinder Webconnect
Four of Your Favorite Foods

  1. Taco's
  2. Mom's Rice Dish
  3. Mr. Goodcent's Subs
  4. Ice Cream
Four Things Currently on the Floor in Your Car

  1. Umbrella
  2. Ice scraper
  3. Carpet
  4. Car Manuel