Joshua, Joshua, Joshua

I just got off the phone with my friend Jennifer. She called to share a miracle. She'd just left the doctor's office where she took Joshua to get some blood work done. This was a 2nd attempt and started out pretty roughly. By the third time they were going to stick him today, my friend was pretty upset. She said, "I just sat there praying for them to get the blood." As she was praying the blood started to come. She stopped praying for a second to look up and the blood stopped flowing. So she started praying again and the blood started flowing again. She told me you always here stories of miracles back in the time when Jesus was on Earth and today I got to experience one. I'm so happy they got the blood. I know what it's like to have a hard time giving blood. My veins are rotten. I think the next time, I'll try praying :) The cutie you see is Joshua. Our miracle! The left picture is him on the phone and the right one is him the day he got his new glasses.
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