Monday, February 06, 2006

God is Good

My Sojourn was great again!
I arrived at about 6:30 on Friday night. I was supose to be there by 5:30 but, run super late.
Aside from scaring the director half to death, it worked out fine.
The candidates started to arrive around 7:00 and by 8:00,
I knew it was going to be a great weekend.
We gathered in the meeting room & got our table assingments.
I must say our directors did a great job. My table team members rocked.
I feel truly blessed to have gotten to lead them.
The all have great Catholic lives ahead of them!
I'd love to share with you the many great things that happened but,
because this is read by so many people I'd love to go on a Sojourn,
I'm affraid I'll have to keep the details a secret as not too ruin their experience.
Trust me it was amazing.

I will share one little thing.
Saturday night, after adoration we all gathered around the alter.
Everyone was kneeling as father said the closing prayer.
After the prayer he began to sing. Others slowly started to join in.
Then out of no where the room was filled with the most intense and beautiful singing I've EVER experienced. It reminded me of one of those christian music comercials. You know, like those WOW CD's. "You're an Awesome God". Those CD's always have the best songs. As we stayed there singing, I got chills. Aside from our closing camp song, I've never been filled with this much emotion.

Anyway, it was beautiful. I sacraficed 4 sessions of my beloved poker as well as the BEST Basketball game of WSU's entire season but, I have to say it was worth it.


At 9:42 AM , Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...

Sounds fantastic! I'm glad you had such a wonderful experience.


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