Riverfest 2006 Cont.

As usual, I spent most of the final Saturday downtown. Tammy had plans to go to a graduation at the lake so, Laurie & I decided to go together. She, Alyssa & I headed down about 330pm. When we got there, we went straight to the "flea market". It was basically two-three blocks of booths with people selling junk. Seeing as neither of us had much money, we mostly just looked and enjoyed the oh so warm weather.
About 5 or so, we went to walk by the river to watch some skiing and look for people we know. I had already ran into Brad W who was one of my good friends from college. It was so good to see him. As we were on the path down to the river, there was a large thing made of wood holding cords in place. The people who had set it up had forgotten to put a ramp over it. As you can imagine, this made it difficult to get passed. Laurie went on down ahead of me to see what our options were. When she came back a nice couple had stopped to offer their help. She also had found there was another road block about 100 feet down around the corner. This annoyed the _____ out of me. I mean come on. This is 2006 and Riverfest XXXV. Not the 1st annual. They should have accessibility down by now. I sucked it up & made it passed but, made sure to go to the information booth to find out who to talk to about the many issues I'd had with getting around this year. The lady I spoke to was very helpful. I plan to try to offer help to prevent problems such as these in the future. I'd hate for the city to get sued like the State Fair did a few years back.
Around 6pm or so, Andrea called so we headed up by the Hyatt to meet her. Along the way we ran into Carla & Justin. It was fun to see them for a few mins. Then I saw a hot guy from college who I took to my first sorority formal. Andrew--How Dreamy :) Anyway we met Andrea and decided to head to the food court to get drinks and an onion blossom to share. Just as we got settled in Arrowhead was taking to food court stage. They are a local country band with a cute lead singer. We had a good time chatting a listening to them sing. About 7pm or so, Alyssa begin to get hot & tired so my mom came to pick her up.
The rest of the evening we just wondered and chilled. The fireworks started about 945pm and were great. Jenn U, Grant & Braydon met up with us. We watched from the first street bridge. By 1030pm or so, wee were ready to fight traffic. Now I'm already looking forward to Riverfest XXXVI.
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