Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Well Said

“I mean, think about it.
Other than the war in Iraq,
the Katrina disaster,
the deficit,
the CIA leak,
stopping stem cell research,
homeland security,
global warming
and undercutting science,
we’ve yet to really feel the negative effectsof the Bush administration.”
– Bill Moyers


At 6:58 PM , Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...


At 2:22 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

It sure is easy for people to blame everything on President Bush . . I have a hard time seeing how some of these things can be blamed on him. Personally, I feel that he did a good job of attempting to correct the mistakes FEMA made in south, I definitely agree that stem cell research should be closely mandated and that fetal stem cells shouldn't be used for research (where will we be when we have to choose between the life of an unborn child or an adult) and when it comes to the rest of the stuff, prayer and a positive attitude can def help. His administration has made mistakes, as all presidents do, but we need to be thankful that we have a Christian man at the helm who really does want to do the right thing. There are so many politicians responsible for the mess going on in this world, it really is hard to tell if it is Bush or somebody else who should actually take the blame--I feel he is an easy target for frustrations for all the horror in the world right now!

At 1:48 PM , Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...

As someone waiting to be able to return to the South, Bush hasn't really made all that many strides to correct the FEMA mistakes. There are more than 100 FEMA trailers on my campus alone that are not occupied because of endless bureaucratic red tape.

As to stem cell research, no one, especially the researchers, are asking that a choice be made "between the life of an unborn child or an adult." The majority of stem cell research is done utilizing the cells of IVF embryos that were not used by their parents and would otherwise be discarded as waste products.

As to Bush being a "Christian," the last I knew from when I was at Church last Sunday was that Christianity is based on love and understanding. I haven't seen a lot of that happening, but instead I've seen him damning anybody and anything that isn't HIS idea of Christian.

At 4:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts . . an embryo is an unborn child!


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